- user_563453
- http://www.mayfairinternationalrealty.com/properties/36103_9997/Land-For-Sale-6231-Hwy-1-Granville-Granville-Centre-Annapolis-County.aspx
- +1 902 532 2121
Fifty nine acres with excellent views, south facing, new electric service, new 150' well and graveled drives. Artesian spring and hand dug well. Barn: Innovative technology used for this active and passive solar barn. Combination agricultural use & easy to modify for many types of uses. 80' x 36', framed, insulated, steel siding with 2 large overhead doors, full concrete foundation with drains, interior water, on-demand water heater, insulated "office", light storey for passive & thermostat driven exhaust fans for active solar. Convert part to living space or add a home to the property. Approved septic design in place. Great location convenient to both Annapolis Royal and Bridgetown, but tucked away with superb views and access.
Ref: 36103-9997