This detached house is located in the..

  • 262.700 EUR
  • 287.551 USD225.483 GBP249.250 CHF513.797 BAM30.792.617 RSD
  • EuropaSpainValenciaChiva
  • 408183
  • 17.11.2016 13:37:27
  • 27.06.2031 13:02:47
  • 43
  • Sale
  • 4
  • 3

This detached house is located in the municipal term of Chiva. It has a surface area of 224 m² distributed in basement with garage and local technical, ground floor with living-dining room, kitchen and bedroom with bathroom and covered terrace. The first floor has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and outdoor terrace. Located in an urban environment of residential and commercial character.


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