1979 BELL 206L-1 Turbine Helicopters..

  • 403817
  • 27.09.2016 11:48:18
  • 27.06.2031 13:02:47
  • 8109
  • Sale

A beautifully maintained utility configured 206L1. Interior features grey cloth seats with beige interior. Exterior features a 3-color white and blue paint scheme with gold striping.

KLX 135 GPS/COM w moving map
King KY196 VHF COM
King KT76A transponder with encoder
King AK-350 digital Alt. encoder
ACK technologies ELT E-01
6 place intercom
NAT AMS44 audio panel
2 each Bose noise reduction headsets
Additional Equipment:
High skid gear with flight steps
Rotor brake kit
Dual controls
Wire Strike Protection System
Range Extender
Crew and Pax door openers


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