
30' Grady-White 306 CANYON 2012

  • 120.400 EUR
  • 131.790 USD103.343 GBP114.236 CHF235.482 BAM14.112.794 RSD
  • United StatesFloridaSt. Pete Beach
  • 809867
  • 03.03.2019 11:34:01
  • 29.12.2030 10:39:41
  • 558
  • 2012
  • Grady-White

Tough, roomy, rugged yet comfortable center console, fishing beast. A great saltwater offshore boat with a wide open cockpit with plenty of storage and a incredible ride. Superb seating and center console enclosed head offers creature comfort making the 306 Canyon a great family boat as well.

Grade-White started manufacturing in 1959 and has enjoyed a excellent reputation as a extremely well built desired vessel.


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