33' Latitude 46 Andreyale 10m 2001

  • 62.300 EUR
  • 68.194 USD53.474 GBP59.110 CHF121.848 BAM7.302.551 RSD
  • United StatesNew JerseyCape May
  • 757390
  • 15.05.2018 18:31:21
  • 29.12.2030 10:39:41
  • 184
  • 2001
  • Latitude 46

The Andreyale 33 combines traditional commuter style with fuel efficient, modern design elements.
The varnished mahogany trim and teak decks and cocpit soles give her the appearance of a beautifully restored classic.
She functions as a true picnic launch or as a delightful coastal crusiing yacht.


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