
46' Maxum 4600 SCB 1997

  • 103.900 EUR
  • 113.729 USD89.180 GBP98.580 CHF203.211 BAM12.178.732 RSD
  • United StatesIowaDeep River
  • 885830
  • 09.10.2019 11:42:01
  • 29.12.2030 10:39:41
  • 204
  • 1997
  • Maxum

Be sure to watch the video tour linked within this listing. Very clean interior living space with no odors make this a very comfortable and affordable  2-bedroom/2-bathroom floating summer cottage. There are only 735 hours on the Cummins 730 HP diesels and the engine room shows well. Located in Mystic CT for the boating season, this boat moves up the CT River to Chester CT for winter storage.


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