
Leicester Student Accommodation..

  • 100.000 EUR
  • 109.460 USD85.833 GBP94.880 CHF195.583 BAM11.721.590 RSD
  • Великобритания
  • 159988
  • 15.04.2015 11:04:22
  • 27.06.2031 12:58:07
  • 1763
  • 20 m²
  • 1
  • 1

A brand-new and exclusive investment opportunity in the under supplied postgraduate student property market. This luxury Student Property Investment offers investors stunning 8% yields for a fixed 5 years. These stylish apartments are ideally located close to both universities and the student village of the city of Leicester. These apartments for sale in Leicester could provide the perfect solution for overseas students seeking a city centre location or postgraduate students looking for independent living in a student environment.

Leicester Student Accommodation Investment

This development will clearly differentiate from the traditional, cluster apartment layout, in that they will have their own kitchenette. These luxury studios are larger than average, high quality, fully-furnished, self-contained studio apartments specifically designed to meet the needs of the discerning student market.

Leicester Student Population

Located in the East Midlands, Leicester is the tenth largest city in the UK and has a total student population of 38,000, 13% of the overall citys population. The city is home to two world-renowed universities, the University of Leicester and De Monfort University. 9,800 students in the city are postgraduates.

With the continuous rise of the two universities in Leicester and a growing amount of postgraduate and overseas students, the city has become a place of opportunity for developers and investors alike.

Leicester University Rankings

Overall Ranking - 16th

Medicine - 15th

The Fundamentals of the Leicester Student Property Market

The Article 4 Direction is restricting the conversion of family homes into houses of multiple occupation. The Article 4 Direction is a ruling passed by government which effectively requires special planning permission to be granted on the conversion of a single family home into a rental property of three or more unrelated tenants.

In cities like Nottingham, Leicester and Newcastle family homes were rapidly being converted to student let properties thereby allowing landlords to reap far higher rental returns. These City Councils have adopted the ruling in order to protect the number of single family homes. The impact could see a drop in supply of student accommodation and while demand continues to grow it will lead to increases in rental income and low vacancy rates.


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