
Protect your self from attacks, curses etc using voodoo spel

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  • 25.07.2022 11:25:43
  • 15.01.2028 10:25:43
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Protection Spells: The Ultimate Defense Guide against Curses, Psychic Attacks, Demonic Forces, Gossip, along with How You Can Use Wiccan Magick to Your Friends and Loved Ones (Magic Spells)
Learn the powers of protection spells and change your life forever!
Personal safety and security are common concerns in these turbulent times. In an often-hostile world, we could all use a little help. And help can be found in the comfort and ritual power of protection spells.
Springing from neo-Pagan traditions like Wicca, protection spells don’t require any affiliation to a particular dogma. They don’t need a hierarchy or mediating. What protection spells ask of you is intention, solemnity, humility, and respect for the elements you call on in your casting.
Protection spell or ritual help.
To recognize the signs of a psychic attack, hexing, or cursing.
Banish negative energies from your home through casting, protection jars, ritual cleansing, and other protection rites.
Distinguish between hexes and curses and how to break them, including an aggressive response alternative against the strongest of ill-intentions.
To deflect psychic attacks with psychic shielding and create a protective bubble.
To discover what evil forces are, how to banish evil forces.
To stop gossips and slanderers in their tracks with a selection of specific spells.
Protecting your loved ones (and your pets) with purpose-built spells and the indulgence of the god Janus.
I will create for you your personal, self-tailored rituals. Send me a message via WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram +27739866595 or email and we can schedule our first consultation. I look forward to hearing from you




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