
Public Relations - Part Time Earning Opportunity

  • AsiaIndiaEast IndiaWest Bengal
  • 968226
  • 05.09.2021 07:32:00
  • 05.09.2027 07:32:00
  • 8821
  • Offered
  • Kolkata
  • Part-time work
  • PerformingArtistSociet
  • 1
  • Flexible work time
  • No
  • There is no charge
  • Not Necessary
Уровень образования:

Higher Secondary or Graduation


The candidate will be trained in public relations where he or she will be taught via email or whatsapp video calling. The candidate will be given the steps of referring student.

Special Requirements:

The candidate will get 15 to 20% commission.

Company Name:

institute of performing art and mind power development

Как подать заявку:

You can send us an email pratanubanerjee9@gmail.com




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