win all kinds of legal matters using powerful voodoo spells

  • 7 EUR
  • 8 USD6 GBP7 CHF14 BAM821 RSD
  • Europa
  • 990878
  • 25.07.2022 10:55:36
  • 15.01.2028 09:55:36
  • 930
  • Services

The court is never a fun experience. Jury duty, divorce, and lawsuits all come to mind. Whether you're a witness, a plaintiff, or a defendant it's best to get the proceedings over as soon as possible, and with a favorable outcome. Decisions can be swayed by evidence, by testimony, and - in this case - could be swayed by Magic.

The High Priestess Sophie is familiar with the laws of man as well as the laws of the Cosmos, and this hand-crafted Spell allows her to show off her familiarity with both. The High Priestess' Ultimate Courtroom Spell starts by cleansing your Aura and clearing your head, allowing you to successfully navigate the legal system.

In court, it's always important to look your best. The High Priestess' Ultimate Win in Court Spell dresses the Spiritual parts of you in elegant magic. Think of it as a suit for your soul. When there are legal ramifications, it's important to take every possible step to give you the advantage. This Spell could also affect the outcome of a case that you have a stake or an interest in, even if you aren't legally involved. Send me a message via WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram +27739866595 or email and we can schedule our first consultation. I look forward to hearing from you
NOTE: This Spell can also be used to help someone you care about.




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