21' Striper Seaswirl 2003

  • 16.500 EUR
  • 18.061 USD14.162 GBP15.655 CHF32.271 BAM1.934.062 RSD
  • United StatesIowaNew London
  • 934778
  • 18.06.2020 09:58:01
  • 29.12.2030 10:39:41
  • 168
  • 2003
  • Striper

NEW VOLVO ENGINE WITH ZERO HOURS!!!  This boat will get you and your family out on the water for an afternoon on the beach, or if you choose, fishing.  Socially distanced and having fun.   This is a preliminary listing on June 16th.  More details coming very soon or call the listing broker.


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DIRECT CONTACT sa kupcima iz Hrvatske, Njemačke, Engleske i ostalih zemalja!!! Volim oglasnik koji može sve