
24' Contender 24 Sport 2015

  • 70.200 EUR
  • 76.841 USD60.255 GBP66.606 CHF137.299 BAM8.228.556 RSD
  • United StatesFloridaNorth Miami Beach
  • 889309
  • 18.10.2019 11:42:02
  • 29.12.2030 10:39:41
  • 93
  • 2015
  • Contender

This 2015 Contender 24' SPORT. is the most sought after center console in its class on the market today. Equipped with a single Yamaha 300, t-top, forward seating for friends and family as well as rear seating makes it the perfect boat for intercoastal cruising or a day of fishing. This extremely user-friendly and very manageable! She is ready for her new home!    


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