
27' Orca 27 XLC 2005

  • 73.100 EUR
  • 80.015 USD62.744 GBP69.357 CHF142.971 BAM8.568.482 RSD
  • United StatesCaliforniaSan Leandro
  • 824195
  • 05.05.2019 11:42:01
  • 29.12.2030 10:39:41
  • 517
  • 2005
  • Orca


 Economical  Diesel Powered! With Heavy weather construction yet giving you a comfortable ride.

 Comes with Pacific TRIPLE AXEL TRAILER! This Vessel is in BRISTOL condition with low hours on Volvo  D4 diesel and the 15 Hp Honda Kicker motor with electric start Chase to Tuna, Salmon, Crab and anything else, offshore with peace of mind,

 This is a serious, ,sport-fishing boat. Its 8'5\" beam makes it easily trailer able so you can reach any of your favorite fishing spots. With a ton of cockpit room, you and your friends will have plenty of room to go after what ever you want to. This boat is great for fishermen who want to take several friends on fishing trips.

 Call for more information and an appointment to see the boat which is kept inside one of the owners buildings.


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