28' Carolina Classic 28 2001

  • 36.600 EUR
  • 40.062 USD31.415 GBP34.726 CHF71.583 BAM4.290.102 RSD
  • United StatesFloridaApalachicola
  • 940435
  • 28.08.2020 09:58:02
  • 29.12.2030 10:39:41
  • 432
  • 2001
  • Carolina Classic

2001 Carolina Classic 28 powered by twin 6.0L gasoline engines recently detailed ready to fish. Owner went larger.

Great cruising / fish boat air conditioning generator full head. No Tower which makes it and shippable!

Great hull to throw some Yanmars in if you wanted to convert it over to diesel! 

Cruises nicely and gets good fuel economy with current gas engines no need to repower anytime soon! 


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