
35' Pursuit 345 Drummond Runner SF 2008

  • 115.500 EUR
  • 126.426 USD99.137 GBP109.586 CHF225.898 BAM13.538.436 RSD
  • United StatesFloridaDania Beach
  • 939159
  • 09.08.2020 09:58:02
  • 29.12.2030 10:39:41
  • 284
  • 2008
  • Pursuit

2008 PURSUIT 345 DRUMMOND ISLAND RUNNER SPORTFISH \"HOT PURSUIT\" is truly a unique and versatile vessel with plenty of well-utilized space. \"HOT PURSUIT\" has all engine service up to date and has been kept in dry storage. 2008 PURSUIT 345 DRUMMOND ISLAND RUNNER is new on the market and will not last long! Call and make your appointment to see \"HOT PURSUIT\" today!


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