
37' CHB 37 TRAWLER 1979

  • 29.100 EUR
  • 31.853 USD24.977 GBP27.610 CHF56.915 BAM3.410.983 RSD
  • United StatesGeorgiaWarrenton
  • 935591
  • 29.06.2020 09:58:01
  • 29.12.2030 10:39:41
  • 256
  • 1979
  • CHB

37 CHB Trawler for sale in Portland Oregon and ready to go. Bow and stern thrusters, well outfitted and a great value! Diesel heat and excellent accommodations for living onboard or long term cruising. Great CHB for sale for for fishing with built in bait tanks and cruising anywhere. Extensively upgraded and value priced for quick sale! 


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