
41' Cranchi 41 Express 1999

  • 74.700 EUR
  • 81.767 USD64.117 GBP70.875 CHF146.101 BAM8.756.028 RSD
  • United StatesFloridaBoynton Beach
  • 760160
  • 15.05.2018 18:31:21
  • 29.12.2030 10:39:41
  • 124
  • 1999
  • Cranchi

Cranchi Yachts is an Italian Boat Building Company that has been in business since 1870. This vessel is the lowest priced Express Model on the market today. It has Volvo Penta Diesel engines and a diesel generator. While it does need work you can buy it low enough that it should make it worthwhile to make an investment in one of the world’s premier brands and still come in at less than other ones are being offered at and you have a boat that is all your own and just the way you want it.

This vessel is located in Boynton Beach and is easy to set up a showing.



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