
48' Nautor Swan 48 1997

  • 278.400 EUR
  • 304.737 USD238.959 GBP264.146 CHF544.503 BAM32.632.907 RSD
  • United StatesIllinoisNew Bedford
  • 780939
  • 07.08.2018 11:24:14
  • 29.12.2030 10:39:41
  • 296
  • 1997
  • Nautor

HEYDAY has just received upgrades to her running rigging, batteries and decks.  Originally built for an experienced American owner, she was commissioned on the east coast of the US. HEYDAY has mostly cruised all of her life and rarely, if ever, raced, but would make a great cruiser/racer for the family who wants to sail fast and in comfort. Typical Swan execution with proper layouts both above and below decks. With constant upgrades and only used seasonally, she is in sail away condition. Currently in donation, favorable lease terms are available. 


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