
53' Selene 53 Ocean Trawler 2003

  • 577.500 EUR
  • 632.132 USD495.686 GBP547.932 CHF1.129.492 BAM67.692.182 RSD
  • United StatesFloridaApollo Beach
  • 883444
  • 24.09.2019 11:42:01
  • 29.12.2030 10:39:41
  • 134
  • 2003
  • Selene

The Selene 53 is the most popular model and best-selling of the Selene line of Ocean Trawlers. With 3 staterooms, the Selene 53 gives you flexibility for guests, excellent sea keeping abilities and the long range cruising knowledgeable cruisers and Selene owners desire. The Selene quality craftsmanship is apparent throughout – showing off their excellent skills in top-notch joinery work, space planning and storage. The Selene 53 models have taken owners wide and far, travelling some extreme distances. It all starts with an efficient and ocean capable hull. Take a look under a Selene and you will see what you should expect of excellent naval architecture – clean, smooth lines, a long keel for tracking and a large rudder for steering. There are no bulky protrusions to create cavitation issues for the propeller, the lines are clean from bow to stern, and the long keep and skeg-hung rudder protect the propeller. This vessel has just had full engine and generator services and has an extensive list of recent updates and modifications. She is ready to go! Call for your easy showing in Apollo Beach, FL, you will not be disappointed!


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