
57' Custom Treworgy Trade Rover 1988

  • 411.300 EUR
  • 450.209 USD353.031 GBP390.241 CHF804.433 BAM48.210.900 RSD
  • United StatesFloridaKey West
  • 925936
  • 22.02.2020 11:42:02
  • 29.12.2030 10:39:41
  • 243
  • 1988
  • Custom

Very rarely does a commercial vessel of this exceptional caliber ever come on to the market. Truly turn-key, always maintained with an open checkbook policy. So much love and attention to all the little details. This stout passage-maker is not to be missed!

Recent inspection in 2019. COI for 36 passengers day sail and 12 passengers overnight. She's even maintained a steady annual charter with a well known youth organization.


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