33' Chris-Craft 33 Futura 1957

  • 328.200 EUR
  • 359.248 USD281.704 GBP311.396 CHF641.903 BAM38.470.258 RSD
  • United StatesMichiganPort Huron
  • 814501
  • 28.03.2019 11:34:01
  • 29.12.2030 10:39:41
  • 513
  • 1957
  • Chris-Craft

\"Black Beauty\" is a 1957 33' Chris Craft Futura and she is indeed a classic beauty!  The construction of this vessel is entirely of Philippine Mahogany, Oak, and Teak wood.  The hull has a fine vee entry at the bow, hard chines, and transitions to flat planing sections at the transom.  


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